Cities and Towns in the United States > Social > A Guide To The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)


The USA has numerous social programs to help its citizens. Run by the Social Security Administration, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) exists to provide financial aid to those who become disabled. This article offers a detailed guide to the benefit and how to make a claim.

Insurance for the disabled

Social Security Disability Insurance: An Introduction

Individuals are offered financial assistance if:

  • • they have a disability that stops them from working for at least 12 months, or
  • • they have a medical condition that is likely to lead to death.

You may wonder, "What is considered a disability" or "What conditions qualify for disability?" These can include musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular problems, and neurological issues such as osteoarthritis, heart issues, and movement disorders. But the Social Security Disability Insurance is only open to people who are "insured."

What Does "Insured" Mean?

SSDI payments depend on whether a person, through work, earned sufficient wages and paid enough taxes towards the social security program. If they meet these criteria, they are "insured." Earnings are measured through "work credits." A person can earn a maximum of 4 "work credits" per year based on their annual income. To qualify, an individual must have a certain number of "work credits" to their name, depending on their age.

How Much Do I Have To Earn to Obtain A Work Credit?

For 2023, a person receives 1 "work credit" for each $1640 earned. To earn 4 "work credits," you must make $6560 in the year. There is no minimum or upper time limit within the year to build the 4 "work credits." For example, you can make all the credits within a few months if your earnings allow it.

How Many "Work Credits" Are Required To Qualify?

The younger the person, the fewer "work credits" you need. The "work credit" rules to claim the disability pension are as follows:

  • Less than 24 years of age: Six work credits are required in the 3 years before the disability occurred.
  • Aged between 24 to 30: you'll likely qualify if you have maximum credits for working half the time between the age of 24 and the time of the disability.

The disability age chart below outlines the "work credits" necessary for people over 30.

Age When The Disability OccurredWork Credits Required
31 to 42Twenty
43 to 44Twenty two
45 to 46Twenty four
47 to 48Twenty six
49 to 50Twenty eight
51 to 52Thirty
53 to 54Thirty two
55 to 56Thirty four
57 to 58Thirty six
59 to 60Thirty eight
61 or moreForty

How To Apply For SSDI?

Application is possible by telephone, in person, or online. Before applying, you will need to gather various information and documentation to support the disability benefits claim. The claim can be completed quickly by ensuring all the details are at hand.

To complete the application, you need the following:

  • • Personal details, and
  • • Information relating to the medical condition.

Personal Details

These items are required:

  • Your birthplace and date of birth. If born outside the USA, you need:
  • Marriage/Divorce details including:
    • - The name and the date of birth of your present and, if applicable, the previous wife. (Details of the previous wife are only required if the marriage prevailed over 10 years or if it came to an end due to death),
    • - Date of birth of the current (and previous) wife,
    • - The dates the marriage(s) began and ended.
  • • The name and date of birth of any children who:
    • - Were disabled before the age of 22, or
    • - Less than 18 and are not married, or
    • - Aged 18 or 19 years old and attend senior high school full time.
  • Training and education. It will include:
    • - Highest qualification levels and dates they were achieved.
    • - Vocational training, job or trade training, and the dates they were achieved.
  • • Details of military service. It will include:
    • - Dates of service,
    • - Duty classification, and branch.
  • Details of your employer for the previous 3 years, including the present year. You must submit:
    • - Name of employer,
    • - Starting and ending dates of employment,
    • - Earnings
  • Self-employment details for the previous 3 years, including the current year including:
    • - The type of business,
    • - Total income (net).
  • The jobs you held (maximum of 5) in the previous 15 years before the disability and the dates this employment took place.
  • Bank details for payment including:
    • - Routing number,
    • - Account number and type.

Information on Medical Conditions

You have to submit details on the ailment that led to the disability and other medical records. The requested details are:

  • • Information on healthcare professionals, doctors, medical centers, and hospitals dealing with the condition that led to the disability. It will include:
    • - Names,
    • - Addresses,
    • - Telephone numbers,
    • - Patient identification numbers,
    • - Dates of the examinations,
    • - Treatments and tests, and
    • - Prescribed medications.
  • • Other medical reports, such as rehabilitation orders, for example.
  • Job Details. You need to provide details of the dates when the conditions began to impair work.

How to Apply Online

To apply online, you need to open a "my Social Security Account" from the U.S. Social Security website. Once you have an account, you can complete the online application for government disability benefits here.

How To Apply By Telephone

Call the U.S. Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. Be sure to have all the details at hand before calling. The opening times are Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm.

How To Apply In Person

You can apply by visiting your local social security office. The location and contact details are available through this link. Before visiting, be sure to telephone to make an appointment.

Closing Thoughts

There is a staggering 1 in 4 chance a person currently 20 years of age will become disabled in their working life. Luckily, in the USA, there is help at hand. As the world's leading nation, Social Security Disability Insurance is one of the many benefits open to people who require assistance.