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Cities and Towns in the United States > California > Kings County > Corcoran CA

Information on Corcoran, Kings County

The City of Corcoran is located in the state of California, in Kings County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Corcoran at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Corcoran City HALL, Kings County

Corcoran City Hall's addressCorcoran Corcoran Municipal Building
832 Whitley Avenue

Corcoran CA 93212
United States
Phone number of Corcoran City Hall+1 559-992-2151
Corcoran, CA emailNot available
Corcoran official
Mayor of CorcoranToni Baltierra
Kings County, California: Vital Records Corcoran vital records
Birth Certificate Order your California birth certificate online

Common questions about Corcoran

What county is Corcoran CA in?

Corcoran, CA is located in Kings County

Where is Corcoran, California ?

Corcoran lies in Kings County, in the southern part of California's San Joaquin Valley, United States. It's situated approximately 17 miles southwest of Hanford, the county seat, and about 50 miles south of Fresno. Corcoran is also near the eastern edge of the Tulare Lake basin, a historical dry lake.

If you are planning a construction project in Corcoran, CA, obtaining the necessary permits is an important first step to ensure compliance with local regulations. You can request your permit through the Building Department at Corcoran City Hall, where staff are available to guide you through the application process. It’s important to contact the office directly to receive detailed information about associated costs and processing times, as these can vary depending on the specifics of your project. Their guidance will help streamline your application and ensure that all requirements are met efficiently.

Corcoran building departement, CA

If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Corcoran's town hall or Kings County authorities directly.

Demography of Corcoran

Name of Corcoran inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population24 813 inhabitants266 / 1 412
Population density in Corcoran3 329,8 pop/sq mi (1 285,6 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Corcoran, CA

Where to apply for a passport in Corcoran, CA? There are 1 passport offices in Corcoran, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Corcoran

There are 1 bank branches in Corcoran.
Bank of the West is the most popular bank in Corcoran with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Corcoran:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
Bank of the West1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Corcoran administrative numbers

Corcoran City code0616224
Corcoran City postcode93212

Transportation modes in Corcoran

Corcoran Airport 2.3 miles
Mefford Field 14 miles
Visalia Municipal Airport 18.7 miles

Corcoran territory

Corcoran area7,45 sq mi (19,30 km²)
Corcoran altitude203 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 36.0846
Longitude: -119.561
Latitude: 36° 5' 5'' North
Longitude: 119° 33' 40'' West
Time zone
UTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles)
Summer time : UTC -7:00
Winter time : UTC -8:00
Local time
Cities twinned with CorcoranCurrently, the town Corcoran isn’t twinned
Namesake of Corcoran
  • Corcoran, Minnesota, États-Unis
Natural parksCorcoran isn't part of a natural park

What is Corcoran close to?

Nearby cities include: Tulare, Hanford, Lemoore and Visalia
HanfordNeighbouring townsTulare
Tulare 14.6 milesHanford 17.5 milesLemoore 19.7 miles
Visalia 21.4 milesFarmersville 24.9 milesExeter 27.3 miles
Lindsay 27.7 milesDelano 27.8 milesPorterville 29.5 miles
Kingsburg 30.1 milesHuron 31 miles 

Distance between Corcoran and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 157 milesHouston : 1465 milesPhiladelphia : 2411 miles
Phoenix : 458 milesSan Antonio : 1304 milesSan Diego : 265 miles
Dallas : 1317 milesSan Jose : 151 miles closestJacksonville : 2215 miles
Indianapolis : 1831 milesSan Francisco : 223 milesAustin : 1321 miles
Columbus : 1997 milesFort Worth : 1285 milesCharlotte : 2164 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Corcoran, CA

Elementary schools in Corcoran

Bret Harte Elementary

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : K, Highest grade : 1
Students : 571

John C. Fremont Elementary

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 2, Highest grade : 3
Students : 558

Mark Twain Elementary

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 4, Highest grade : 5
Students : 541

Middle schools in Corcoran

John Muir Middle

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 8
Students : 750

High schools in Corcoran

Corcoran High

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 858

Kings Lake Education Center

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 10, Highest grade : 12
Students : 33

Alternative schools in Corcoran

Corcoran Academy

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : K, Highest grade : 12
Students : 6

Mission Community Day

District of Corcoran Joint Unified
Lowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 12
Students : 17

Leisure and activities in Corcoran surrounding area

Golf course
Tulare Golf Course
to Tulare 14 miles
Lakeview Golf Course
to Hanford 16 miles
Lemoore Golf Course
to Lemoore 18.6 miles