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Cities and Towns in the United States > Iowa > Marengo IA

Information on Marengo, Iowa County

The City of Marengo is located in the state of Iowa, in Iowa County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Marengo at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Marengo City HALL, Iowa County

Marengo City Hall's addressMarengo Marengo Municipal Building
153 E Main Street

Marengo IA 52301
United States
Phone number of Marengo City Hall+1 319-642-3232
Marengo, IA emailNot available
Marengo official
Mayor of MarengoJoe Seye
Iowa County, Iowa: Vital Records Marengo vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Iowa birth certificate online

Common questions about Marengo

What county is Marengo IA in?

Marengo, IA is located in Iowa County

Where is Marengo, Iowa ?

Marengo is a city located in Iowa County, within the state of Iowa, USA. It sits in the east-central part of the state and serves as the county seat. Marengo lies approximately 25 miles southwest of Cedar Rapids and 30 miles west of Iowa City, making it accessible to these larger metropolitan areas.

If you're planning a construction project in Marengo, IA, securing the necessary permits is a crucial first step. You can request these permits from the Marengo City Office, which is responsible for reviewing and issuing authorizations for building projects within the city limits. To ensure a smooth process, it's advisable to contact the office directly for detailed information on the associated fees and estimated processing times. This proactive approach will help you comply with local regulations and keep your project on track.

Marengo building departement, IA

If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Marengo's town hall or Iowa County authorities directly.

Demography of Marengo

Name of Marengo inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population2 535 inhabitants127 / 5 987
Population density in Marengo1 187,3 pop/sq mi (458,4 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Marengo, IA

Where to apply for a passport in Marengo, IA? There are 1 passport offices in Marengo, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Marengo

There are 2 bank branches in Marengo.
Grinnell State Bank is the most popular bank in Marengo with 1 branch offices, followed by Keystone Savings Bank with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Marengo:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
Grinnell State Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Keystone Savings Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Marengo administrative numbers

Marengo City code1949395
Marengo City postcode52301

Toponymy and translation of Marengo

Persian: مرنگوJapanese: マレンゴKazakh: Маренго
Korean: 마렝고Russian: МаренгоChinese: 马伦戈

Transportation modes in Marengo

The Eastern Iowa Airport 19.4 miles
Iowa City Municipal Airport 29 miles
29.3 miles

Marengo territory

Marengo area2,14 sq mi (5,53 km²)
Marengo altitude738 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.7967
Longitude: -92.0681
Latitude: 41° 47' 48'' North
Longitude: 92° 4' 5'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with MarengoCurrently, the town Marengo isn’t twinned
Namesake of Marengo
  • Marengo, Illinois, États-Unis
  • Marengo, Indiana, États-Unis
  • Marengo, Ohio, États-Unis
  • Marengo, Saskatchewan, Canada
Natural parksMarengo isn't part of a natural park

What is Marengo close to?

Nearby cities include: Ladora, Blairstown, Williamsburg and Luzerne
LadoraNeighbouring townsWilliamsburg
Ladora 6.7 milesBlairstown 7.6 milesWilliamsburg 9.3 miles
Luzerne 9.5 milesNorway 10.5 milesVictor 12.6 miles
Belle Plaine 12.7 milesWalford 13.1 milesHartwick 14.3 miles
Newhall 14.6 milesVan Horne 14.8 milesParnell 15.1 miles
Oxford 15.2 milesKeystone 15.6 milesMillersburg 16.2 miles
Fairfax 17.4 milesAtkins 17.4 milesGuernsey 17.5 miles
Chelsea 18.9 milesElberon 19.3 milesNorth English 19.4 miles

Distance between Marengo and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1528 milesHouston : 852 milesPhiladelphia : 893 miles
Phoenix : 1231 milesSan Antonio : 927 milesSan Diego : 1506 miles
Dallas : 674 milesSan Jose : 1609 milesJacksonville : 982 miles
Indianapolis : 340 miles closestSan Francisco : 1661 milesAustin : 856 miles
Columbus : 491 milesFort Worth : 688 milesCharlotte : 759 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Marengo, IA

Elementary schools in Marengo

Iowa Valley Elementary School

District of Iowa Valley Community School District
Lowest grade : PK, Highest grade : 6
Students : 350

High schools in Marengo

Iowa Valley Junior-Senior High School

District of Iowa Valley Community School District
Lowest grade : 7, Highest grade : 12
Students : 220

Leisure and activities in Marengo surrounding area

Golf course
Marengo Golf ClubSport Hill Country Club
to Williamsburg 9.9 miles
Belle Plaine Country Club
to Belle Plaine 12.6 miles
Tara Hills Country Club
to Van Horne 14.8 miles
Brooklyn-Victor Country Club
to Brooklyn 16.9 miles

Other information on the City of Marengo

Nuclear power plantDuane Arnold Energy Center 42 mile