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Cities and Towns in the United States > Iowa > Sioux County > Hawarden IA

Information on Hawarden, Sioux County

The City of Hawarden is located in the state of Iowa, in Sioux County. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Hawarden at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Hawarden City HALL, Sioux County

Hawarden City Hall's addressHawarden Hawarden Municipal Building
1150 Central Ave

Hawarden IA 51023
United States
Phone number of Hawarden City Hall+1 712-551-2565
Hawarden, IA emailNot available
Hawarden official
Mayor of HawardenRic Porter
Sioux County, Iowa: Vital Records Hawarden vital records
Birth Certificate Order your Iowa birth certificate online

Common questions about Hawarden

What county is Hawarden IA in?

Hawarden, IA is located in Sioux County

Where is Hawarden, Iowa ?

Hawarden is located in Sioux County in the northwestern corner of Iowa, USA. It lies near the border with South Dakota and is situated along the Big Sioux River. The municipality is roughly 50 miles north of Sioux City and 45 miles southwest of Sioux Falls.

Hawarden building department, IA

If you're planning construction or renovations in Hawarden, IA, it's essential to start by securing the necessary permits to ensure compliance with local regulations. To begin this process, you'll need to visit the Hawarden City Hall, where you can submit your request and gather the required forms. It's advisable to contact the city hall office directly to obtain detailed information about the associated costs and the expected processing times, as these can vary based on the specifics of your project. The staff there can guide you through the procedure and provide any additional assistance you may need.
If you have inquiries related to construction permits, inspections, code enforcement, or building regulations, we recommend contacting Hawarden's town hall or Sioux County authorities directly.

Demography of Hawarden

Name of Hawarden inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population2 478 inhabitants128 / 6 034
Population density in Hawarden820,7 pop/sq mi (316,9 pop/km²)

List of Passport Facilities in Hawarden, IA

Where to apply for a passport in Hawarden, IA? There are 1 passport offices in Hawarden, try one of these:
Name Street Phone number

Top 3 most popular banks in Hawarden

There are 2 bank branches in Hawarden.
Peoples Bank is the most popular bank in Hawarden with 1 branch offices, followed by Rivers Edge Bank with 1 branch offices.

Find below all bank branches in Hawarden:

Bank's name Number of branch offices Service Type
Peoples Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Rivers Edge Bank1Full Service Brick and Mortar Office

Hawarden administrative numbers

Hawarden City code1935265
Hawarden City postcode51023

Toponymy and translation of Hawarden

Persian: هاواردنJapanese: ハワーデンKazakh: Хавардэн
Korean: 하워든Russian: ГаварденChinese: 黑瓦登

Transportation modes in Hawarden

Le Mars Municipal Airport 21.4 miles
28.2 miles
34.7 miles

Hawarden territory

Hawarden area3,02 sq mi (7,82 km²)
Hawarden altitude1 178 Altitude feet
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 43.0024
Longitude: -96.4829
Latitude: 43° 0' 9'' North
Longitude: 96° 28' 58'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with HawardenCurrently, the town Hawarden isn’t twinned
Namesake of Hawarden
  • Hawarden, Wales, Royaume-Uni
  • Hawarden, Saskatchewan, Canada
Natural parksHawarden isn't part of a natural park

What is Hawarden close to?

Nearby cities include: Chatsworth, Alcester, Ireton and Hudson
ChatsworthNeighbouring townsIreton
Chatsworth 6.2 milesAlcester 7.5 milesIreton 8.4 miles
Hudson 8.9 milesCraig 11.5 milesAkron 12.7 miles
Fairview 15.2 milesMaurice 15.4 milesBeresford 16 miles
Struble 16.4 milesSioux Center 16.6 milesRock Valley 17 miles
Brunsville 17.2 milesWestfield 18.1 milesInwood 21.4 miles
Canton 21.4 milesOrange City 21.6 milesLe Mars 21.9 miles
Hull 21.9 milesMerrill 22.8 milesDoon 22.9 miles

Distance between Hawarden and other main cities and towns

Los Angeles : 1334 milesHouston : 917 milesPhiladelphia : 1122 miles
Phoenix : 1067 milesSan Antonio : 944 milesSan Diego : 1324 miles
Dallas : 706 milesSan Jose : 1391 milesJacksonville : 1198 miles
Indianapolis : 581 miles closestSan Francisco : 1440 milesAustin : 881 miles
Columbus : 729 milesFort Worth : 709 milesCharlotte : 996 miles
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Schools in Hawarden, IA

Elementary schools in Hawarden

Hawarden Elementary School

District of West Sioux Community School District
Lowest grade : 2, Highest grade : 5
Students : 245

Middle schools in Hawarden

West Sioux Middle School

District of West Sioux Community School District
Lowest grade : 6, Highest grade : 8
Students : 186

High schools in Hawarden

West Sioux High School

District of West Sioux Community School District
Lowest grade : 9, Highest grade : 12
Students : 212

Leisure and activities in Hawarden surrounding area

Golf course
Hawarden Golf CourseAlcester Golf Club
to Alcester 7.4 miles
Akron Golf Course
to Akron 13.2 miles
Beresford Country Club
to Beresford 15.9 miles
Rock Valley Golf Course
to Rock Valley 16.1 miles
The Ridge Golf Club
to Sioux Center 16.1 miles
Prairie Rose Golf Club
to Brunsville 17.2 miles